Hotel Fazenda Colina Verde

Check-in - 25/09 17h
Check-out - 30/09 until 15h

Reservations must be done directly with the Hotel
Hotel Fonte Colina Verde - São Pedro - SP
Rua Veríssimo Prado, 1500 CEP 13.520.000
Phone/Fax: +55 19 3481.9999
Toll-Free: 0800.13.1009

Luxo Country apartment: (includes breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Single R$ 370,00 per day
Double R$ 270,00 per person per day
Triple R$ 250,00 per person per day
Quadruple and multiple R$ 190,00 per person per day (limited vacancies)
To the above values it must be added 3% ISS taxes

Children: (includes leisure activities)
03-05y R$ 130,00 per child per day
06-09y R$ 160,00 per child per day
10-12y R$ 190,00 per child per day
To the above values it must be added 3% ISS taxes

Obs - Since the credentials to the event will be delivered BEFORE regular check-in time, the hotel will provide room for luggage.
Obs - Booking flexibilization is conditioned to availability.

Avenida Charme Hotel

Partner hotel in Águas de São Pedro - SP (10km away from the venue)
Shutters will be available upon request

Reservations must be done directly with the Hotel
Avenida Charme Hotel - Águas de São Pedro - SP
Av. Carlos Mauro, 346
Phone/Fax: +55 19 3482.7900
Toll Free: 0800. 771.7900

Apartments includes breakfast
Single R$ 210,00 per day
Double R$ 145,00 per person per day
Triple R$ 145,00 per person per day

Posted on May 3, 2016